Tonnage List / Vessel Database

Having all details about your ships available at a mouse click, be it own tonnage or from “your” market, is more important than ever. This applies to technical description, commercial information, as well as photos, plans, certificates. Vessel’s data from third parties (e.g. IHS Fairplay, Clarkson’s, etc.) can be imported. If you have subscribed to their regular updates, sophisticated tools are automatically protecting your own data from being overwritten by the update. Since different departments may want to “see” only their relevant ships, different vessel groups can be configured.


In today’s freight markets it may be a question of seconds to find the right ship for your client’s cargoes (or vv.). But that’s only half the job, as the information needs to reach your clients fast and accurate. The Position List, which is part of the Vessels Database, is exactly what is necessary to master these tasks. The integration with the messaging module and address book ensures that your position lists are circulated properly.

The new Automatic Position Updater  (as of August 2016) is the tool to support you coping with the enormously growing amount of incoming positions from the messaging module. The updater “reads” the relevant position list and converts it into an appropriate format for the positions in the database. The user may, of course, always intervene and prevent the tool from inserting incorrect information into the database. All position changes are indicated with date and user initials and are kept in a change history.